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West Midlands
Our West Midlands Team are skilled in providing outcome-focused, person-centred support for individuals, some of whom may have very complex needs.
We have proven expertise in supporting individuals who have a mental health diagnosis. We also support individuals with profound, mild and moderate learning disabilities, and individuals on the Autistic Spectrum.
We have successfully supported individuals from long stay hospital placements and/or residential care settings. We work closely with members of the local multi-disciplinary teams, to make sure that people have the best possible outcomes.
Staff receive face to face induction training from our qualified training team on the 15 standards of the Care Certificate. Bespoke service specific training such as MAPA (Management of Actual or Potential Aggression), Epilepsy, Autism, Diabetes and Redirection Techniques training is also provided to our staff, as well as other specific training relating to individual they're supporting.
Rehability UK Support Services
Meet the Manager

My Journey into health and social care started 25 years ago as a support worker, I have worked in a few different settings: Learning disabilities, acquired brain injury, challenging behaviours, mental health. I once tried something else - business administration but my heart was not in it, after a couple of day’s sitting in an office, I knew I needed to remain in health and social care, therefore continued my studies at university in applied health and social care.
I get a buzz from getting out and about and meeting new people, advocating support with people tailored to their own individual needs and preferences and seeing the difference it can make to people’s lives (it’s the most rewarding job in the world). I take pride in all that I do, and I do it with the human touch. There is no denying that this line of work is not always easy, its fast paste and forever changing, I enjoy learning new things daily and passing on my knowledge to my team. I am hands on open minded – not everyone likes change but change is good, I like to look at things and reflect on how it can be done better – in a universal kind of way, I maybe the / a manager but my team mean everything to me and I will always invest my knowledge and their knowledge collaboratively and together we will create amazing outcomes for the people we support and each other.
I am a bit of a gym goer – I love lifting weights and pushing myself to be a better version of myself daily. I do a bit of voluntary work around domestic violence for male victims in my spare time.