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Well Park


Wellpark is a Registered Care Home in St Thomas, Exeter which is situated right by the Exeter Quay which is a popular area for those who enjoy walking, cycling and dining out. Exeter City can be also being reached by a short walk or by bus. Wellpark provides care and support for seven adults with learning disabilities and Autism. The home currently registered as “Good” with the Care Quality Commission (CQC).


Exeter is a lively town, there is a diverse selection of shops, eating places, entertainment venues and plenty of things to do.


Wellpark comprises seven individual bedrooms, a communal lounge, an activities room, a sensory room, a communal kitchen and several bathrooms. The home is staffed 24 hours per day, with at least 4 staff members present during the period from 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. and one awake night staff and a sleep-in member of staff.  


Where required, support staff can assist with all aspects of physical, personal care and social care/support. We strive to ensure that routine and task-focused care is never promoted but that freedom, choice and control is given to individuals at all times.


At Wellpark we strive to provide a truly person-centred service and those living here are encouraged to live their lives. We never expect individuals to fit around the service, on the contrary, we encourage individuals to choose how they wish their care or support to be provided. At the same time, we support individuals to choose those social and recreational activities they want to be involved in. 


Staff take great care to find out about people’s personal routines and preferences and these are well documented in support plans. Those individuals who have capacity are encouraged to fully contribute to their support plan. For those individuals who lack capacity, every effort is made to ascertain their wishes by seeking information from families, friends and other interested parties.


Staff are knowledgeable about people’s individual needs and there are systems in place to ensure staff are made aware of any changes in care/support needs or personal preferences. All staff play an active role in supporting individuals. 

Staffing levels allow for care staff to also be actively involved in the social side of an individual’s support, allowing one to one time in the community.


Staff are fully trained in all aspects of care and support and act fully in accordance with our ethos of care, that is, focused on personalisation and independence. Training programmes are ongoing and are designed to enable staff to carry out their roles effectively and keep up to date with best practice.


We understand that from time to time individuals may display behaviours that challenge, staff are fully trained to be able to support individuals through these difficult times in a proactive and positive manner.


Staff supervision sessions, both group and individual, and appraisals take place on a regular basis, thus ensuring high and consistent standards are maintained. Staffing levels are regularly reviewed, depending on needs (social and care), so that staff can maintain the high standards provided. Managers work with them so that practices can be observed, monitored and staff supported in areas needed.

Meet The Manager

My name is Andy Cole I am the manager for Well Park. I have worked in learning disabilities, autism & mental health in Supported living and residential services.


I am passionate about Well Park being a homely and enjoyable place to live, with a focus on person centred care and activities.


I spend my time away from work listening to music, gardening, and taking walks by the sea.

Andy Cole - Registered Manager

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